Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A Vision

In recent entries I have vented my frustrations with the educational system in general. Expressing frustration may feel good initially but it does not facilitate moving forward. To create something different we must first envision what we wish to create. We cannot create that which we cannot see (in our mind’s eye). So I would like to articulate my vision for higher education.

I envision students and faculty filled with a passion for learning. Campuses are overrun with people with hair like Einstein due to the explosion of ideas in everyone’s brain. People are learning and growing in all aspects of their lives—body, mind, soul, and spirit. Multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary learning abound. New ways to facilitate learning are continually explored. There is a general atmosphere of experimentation that permeates all aspects of the learning process. A flexible approach is taken to meeting the learning needs of students. There is a culture of ongoing improvement. Everyone on campus is treated with respect. Collaboration takes place between faculty, students, administration, staff, and outside organizations.

That is a summary of what I see for higher education. Campuses filled with learning, excitement, growth, enthusiasm, collaboration, spirit. Helping to fulfill such a vision energizes me. What is the vision of higher education that excites your energy?


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