Wednesday, June 05, 2019

A Brief History of the Future of Education

The authors of A Brief History of the Future of Education make it clear that education needs to change. As Ian Jukes and Ryan L. Schaaf explain, the current educational system is preparing students for the past. They describe not only how times have changed but also how students are different and in significant ways. The digital age has changed how our brains develop. This requires a new approach to learning. It is common for older generations to lament what is happening to young people today. Jukes and Schaaf, however, provide a more positive perspective of today’s youth. They also describe in detail how education needs to change. Each chapter is also filled with actions and resources for implementing those changes. This is a book for educators at any level, including higher education, who are committed to preparing students for the world that exists now and in the future. This is a book that is informative, inspiring, and practical.


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