Friday, March 25, 2011

Education vs. Learning

One of the exciting insights I have gained from the discussions in the Transforming Business course is that there is a difference between education and learning. Here is how I perceive those differences.

Education has students hear about a subject. Learning has students do something with the subject matter.

Education conveys information. Learning involves application.

Education is future oriented; it is about what students will need to know someday. Learning occurs in the present; we learn what we want or need to learn when we want or need it.

Education is a spectator sport. Learning requires the learner’s participation.

Education is about control; faculty control what students are to be exposed to and required to do. Learning allows the learner the freedom to decide what is needed when and what to pursue in the learning process.

Educational assessment is test oriented. Learning is assessed through results achieved.

Education develops followers; students are conditioned to be order takers. Learning facilitates the development of leaders.

Education is structured. Learning is unstructured.

Education considers hypotheticals--case studies, examples. Learning acts on reality--projects.

Education is passive. Learning is active.

This is a quick summary. Each of these points can and need to be explored in more depth. It also may be argued that this is a simplistic differentiation. However, I find the summary helpful as I consider how I want to design my own courses. My goal has become to move my course designs away from an educational model toward facilitating learning.


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