Thursday, September 05, 2019

What's the Point of College?

In his book What's the Point of College?, Johann Neem argues vigorously and cogently for the value of a liberal arts education. His arguments may not persuade everyone, but his well-stated views will prompt readers to think deeply about the purpose of a college education. Neem articulately counters the push to make undergraduate education more career relevant. He calls for preserving college’s more traditional role of providing places of scholarship. Campuses are to be havens for reflection. They are to be communities of learning where students and faculty think deeply and emerge as changed people. Many will think such an education to be a luxury, but Neem methodically explains why this is not so. He addresses curriculum, teaching, scholarship, and more. This book is for those who want to understand the counter arguments to reformers and policy makers who are pressuring colleges and universities to abandon their traditional functions. Whether you agree or disagree with Neem’s arguments, reading his book will make you better informed about the critical issues facing higher education and their importance to our society.


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