Saturday, March 28, 2009

Adrenalin Rush

Learning excites me. Gaining new insights and perspectives gives me an adrenalin rush. I want the same for my students. Unfortunately, my excitement is often met with blank or, at best, amused stares. They don’t get it.

The reason I get excited about learning something new is because I see how the new information or skill connects with my passion. If we want students to be excited about learning, we need to help them first discover their passion. It troubles me when college students in their last semester before graduating are unable to tell me what they are interested in. I don’t mean what they are interested in academically. I mean they can’t identify anything that excites them. To me, that is scary.

A book I recently read conveys the excitement of learning. The Cosmic Serpent by anthropologist Jeremy Narby traces his journey of discovery across academic disciplines as he undertakes research in his field. The book conveys the thrill of research and learning. We need to help students uncover their own questions and assist them in discovering answers. Let’s find ways to help our students experience the adrenalin rush of learning.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Join The Network

In one of the university leadership courses I teach, the students and I were exploring ways to break out beyond the classroom to extend our opportunities for learning how to become better leaders. As a result of that discussion, I have started an online network called Learn To Lead. I invite the readers of this blog to join us at The intent of the network is to create a forum where college students and lifelong learners may support each other in becoming better leaders. It is a place to share your questions, experiences, thoughts, and resources with fellow learners on the subject of leadership. It is also a way to help educate our young leaders. I invite you to join the journey.